Providers escalate efforts to address coronavirus outbreak

For Immediate Release
March 2, 2020
Contact Deborah Pacyna

SACRAMENTO, CA Licensed health care professionals employed at California’s skilled nursing facilities view the coronavirus outbreak as a serious threat and are taking extra precautions to insure the safety and well-being of residents as well as skilled nursing center employees.

CAHF member facilities are boosting prevention efforts to minimize potential risks and are reviewing, revising and implementing already established infection control policies and procedures. Additional preventative measures include more regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces with hospital grade disinfectant, re-educating clinical and non-clinical staff on the proper use of personal protective equipment and implementing policies that prevent visitors who are sick from entering the building. Practices are also in place to ensure that health care workers avoid coming to work while sick and developing policies to deal with potential absenteeism during any community-wide outbreaks.

CAHF has established a dedicated coronavirus webpage with daily updates and state and federal resources for providers.  In addition, we remain in close contact with the Governor’s office, California Department of Public Health, Health and Human Services Agency and the Office of Emergency Services.