CAHF has a variety of advertising and sponsorship opportunities available in our publications and on our website. Click for information on event sponsorship's and our annual trade show.

CAHF News Sponsorships

CAHF News is distributed electronically, every other Thursday, to nearly 7,000 long-term care providers, including administrators, directors of nursing, staff developers and more.

The e-newsletter features 18-25 articles that spotlight what matters most to skilled nursing professionals; giving you the information you need to know in a timely fashion.

CAHF News sponsors receive an advertising box that is displayed in the advertising section of the e-newsletter. These ads are displayed on the table of contents page and on each article’s page.

Advertising spots are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis and priority is assigned to CAHF members. The positions of the ads are rotated in each publication.

Contact Raina LeGarreta for more information.

CAHF News Special Issues

Reach CAHF members at our three annual statewide meetings by advertising in the CAHF News Special Issues!

The CAHF News Special Issues are emailed the week before of our three annual conferences, previewing session content and activities, plus a number of other useful bits about the event location and after-hours activities. Sponsors receive exclusive credit in the special issues. 


To discuss a sponsorship package, contact 
Raina LeGarreta.

CAHF Website

Advertising on is an easy, cost-effective way to reach an exclusive audience of long-term care professionals. 

As a benefit of membership, only CAHF members can place an add banner at the top of the website's Event page. It's easier than ever to promote upcoming events, products and special services!

Contact Raina LeGarreta to learn more.

CAHF Buyer's Guide

CAHF's online Buyer's Guide provides our members with a complete digital directory of products and services offered to long-term care facilities by CAHF's associate members.

The guide is available online, 24/7 in a mobile-optimized format reaches thousands of nursing facility administrators, directors of nursing and other purchasing agents for food service, nursing, administrative and maintenance functions.

CAHF associate members receive free listings in the alphabetical and categorical sections. Additional display advertising can be purchased to showcase a particular product or service, or draw more attention to the free text listing.

For more information about pricing, contact Raina LeGarreta.