June 29, 2021

Contact Deborah Pacyna


CAHF supports vaccinations for all health care personnel
Nursing home staff vaccination best in continental U.S. 


SACRAMENTO - The following statement is attributed to Craig Cornett, President/CEO of the California Association of Health Facilities.


“As an association representing most of the skilled nursing facilities in California, CAHF believes that all health care workers should be vaccinated against COVID-19 and providers should consider adopting mandatory vaccination policies for health care personnel. CAHF is also in support of Gov. Newsom’s public health order requiring all health care workers show proof of vaccination, as well as more frequent COVID testing and stringent masking of unvaccinated staff.


California skilled nursing providers have the highest number of vaccinated workers in the continental U.S., with almost 80 percent of staff fully vaccinated. CAHF continues to work closely with our members and state and local health departments, to achieve even higher vaccination rates in skilled nursing homes.”