A broad category of medications, called psychotropics are administered by physicians in many healthcare and community settings, including hospitals, skilled nursing homes and assisted living centers. The term psychotropic is an all-encompassing description which includes mood stabilizers (anti-manic agents), anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, hypnotics and antipsychotics.
Many CAHF members took part in a national effort to safely reduce the unnecessary use of antipsychotic medication in skilled nursing homes by 15 percent by December 2013, and then by 30 percent. The goal was reached and surpassed.
Long-term care doctors in skilled nursing settings strive to offer the best care possible using the least amount of medications. When medications are appropriate, physicians must carefully weigh the dangers against the individual beneftis starting with the lowest dose possible. Physicians are also required to reassess the use of psychotropic drugs on a quarterly basis.
Additionally, the resident or a representative must provide informed consent regarding the use of these medications, except in emergencies. The use of psychotropic medication is legal and strictly regulated by the state and federal government.